Components>Accessories>Fasteners>Special Fasteners

Sold in boxes of 100
Type – Nail Drive
Fastener #11

#2 Philips Pancake Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #12
Head Size | Type |
#2 Phillips | Driller |

#2 Quadrex Drive Pancake Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Special driver required for this fastener (#2 Quadrex Drive)
Fastener #12A
Head Size | Type |
#2 Quadrex Drive | Driller |

#2 Phillips Pancake Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #13
Head Size | Type |
#2 Phillips | Driller |

#2 Quadrex Drive Pancake Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Special driver required for this fastener (#2 Quadrex Drive)
Fastener #13A
Head Size | Type |
#2 Quadrex Drive | Driller |

1/8″ x 0.337″ Pop Rivet
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
1 /8″ diameter x 3 /16″ grip range
Fastener #14

1/8″ x 0.525 ” Pop Rivet
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
1 /8″ diameter x 3 /16″ grip range
Fastener #14A

#3 Phillips Truss Head
Black Finish only
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
18 gauge maximum drilling thickness
Fastener #15D
Head Size | Type |
#3 Phillips | Driller |

#2 Quadrex Drive Pancake Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Special driver required for this fastener (#2 Quadrex Drive)
Fastener #16
Head Size | Type |
#2 Quadrex Drive | Driller |

5/16″ Hex Washer Head w/ 5/8″ O.D. Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #18
Head Size | Type |
5/16″ | A |

3/8″ Hex Washer Head w/ 5/8″ O.D. Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #18B
Head Size | Type |
A |

3/8″ Hex Washer Head w/ 5/8″ O.D. Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #18C
Head Size | Type |
3/8″ | A |

5/16″ Hex Washer Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #20
Head Size | Type |
5/16″ | Driller |

#2 Phillips Bugle Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #21
Head Size | Type |
#2 Phillips | Driller |

5/16″ Hex Washer Head w/ 5/8″ O.D. Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #23

1/4″ Hex Washer Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #24
Head Size | Type |
1/4″ | Driller |

5/16″ Hex Washer Head
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #25
Head Size | Type |
5/16″ | Stitch |

3/8″ Hex Washer Head w/ 9/16″ Bonded Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #34
Head Size | Type |
3/8″ | A |

Washers sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #35

3/8″ Hex Washer Head w/Sealing Washer
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
Fastener #45
Head Size | Type |
3/8″ | Long Life with Masonry Tapping Threads |

#3 Phillips Truss Head
Black Finish only
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
18 gauge maximum drilling thickness
Fastener #209
Head Size | Type |
#3 Phillips | Driller |

#3 Phillips Truss Head
Black Finish only
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
18 gauge maximum drilling thickness
Fastener #210
Head Size | Type |
#3 Phillips | Driller |

#3 Phillips Truss Head
Black Finish only
Fasteners sold in quantities of 250 only
18 gauge maximum drilling thickness
Fastener #211
Head Size | Type |
#3 Phillips | Driller |